Buy Focus Dailies Contact Lenses Online (2025)

There’s a revolution going on in the contact lens industry: daily disposable lenses. Thanks to novel manufacturing procedures, daily disposable contacts have become increasingly accessible and affordable to consumers. One of the global brands at the forefront of this “dailies deluge” is aptly called Dailies. Owned by Alcon, Dailies now boasts a collection of some of the world’s most popular daily disposable contact lenses.

Customers interested in learning more about Alcon’s Dailies brand of contacts should keep reading. Below, we’ll go over what Dailies has to offer and why daily disposable lenses are often recommended by optometrists. We’ll also share valuable info on Dailies varieties you could order right now

What Are Dailies Contact Lenses?

If we’re talking about the brand, then “Dailies” refers to contact lenses manufactured by the multinational Alcon. Founded in the 1940s, Alcon was initially a small Texas-based business focusing on eye drops. As Alcon expanded its operations, it also began developing important surgical instruments and contact lenses.

The Dailies line really took off in 2008 when Alcon introduced its Dailies AquaComfort Plus variety. From 2011 till today, the company has also released other popular Dailies brands including Multifocal, Toric, Total 1, and Focus.

Although Alcon still has a major eye care centre in Texas, the company’s main headquarters is now located in Switzerland.

What Dailies Contacts Are

As the UK’s top independent contact lens vendor, a fantastic selection of contacts brands to choose from. Customers interested in Alcon’s Dailies lenses will be happy to all of the company’s best-selling brands. For more details, take a look at the Dailies now available on our website.

Dailies AquaComfort Plus

AquaComfort was the first line of contacts Alcon released under the “Dailies” name. To this day, Alcon strongly recommends these contacts to new patients, especially kids and teens. Not only will these daily lenses teach new users great hygiene habits, they are also very comfortable thanks to their ability to re-wet after each blink. has two of Alcon’s AquaComfort Plus contacts on our site. First off, we now offer Dailies AquaComfort Plus Toric specifically designed for astigmatism patients. Those who are suffering from presbyopia, however, should look into the Dailies AquaComfort Plus Multifocal lenses now available

Whichever AquaComfort brand you choose, ship them to your doorstep in 30-lens boxes. Don’t forget, UK customers who order £30 of products receive free shipping.

Dailies Total 1

First released in 2011, Dailies Total 1 remains one of Alcon’s breakthrough products. To this day, optometrists claim the Total 1 lenses are the only water-gradient daily disposables on the market.

So, what exactly does “water gradient” mean? Basically, Alcon designed Total 1 lenses with special gels on the surface that increase wettability. With an average of 80 percent water content surface, the company claims you won’t feel these lenses when you’re wearing them.

Designers also placed silicone hydrogel in-between the gel layers for enhanced oxygen permeability. According to Alcon, this silicone layer brings in 6-times more oxygen compared with other contact lens brands.

People who are struggling with dry eye symptoms are a great fit for Dailies Total 1 contacts. In fact, studies conducted by Alcon suggest customers could wear Total 1 contacts comfortably for an incredible 16 hours.

For those interested in purchasing Dailies Total 1, check’s product page. We now offer these celebrated contacts in convenient 30-day-supply boxes.

Focus Dailies All Day Comfort

Another Dailies lens designed to help with dry eye symptoms is listed as Focus All Day Comfort. What sets these lenses apart is a special technology known as “Aquarelease.”

According to Alcon, each Focus lens has a layer of eye-approved moisturizer that’s “released” throughout the day. It’s estimated each Focus Dailies lens has almost 70 percent water content, which is ideal for dry eye sufferers.

Anyone who’d like to try Focus Dailies All Day Comfort can take a peek at this product page Wherever you live in the UK, we can ship you a professionally-packed 30-count box of Focus Dailies.

Are Daily Disposable Lenses Really The Best Option?

Many eye care professionals nowadays strongly recommend daily disposable contacts to their patients. While this doesn’t mean dailies are necessarily the “best” option, they do have a unique set of advantages.

Most significantly, daily-wear contacts dramatically cut a user’s risk of infection. When users throw away their daily contacts every night, they are also throwing away a potential breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Even if people consistently douse longer-term lenses with solution, there’s no better way to eliminate infection rates than by simply tossing lenses in the trash.

Besides their safety profile, daily contacts are often more comfortable than multi-day lenses. There’s simply no chance for uncomfortable proteins to deposit in dailies versus weekly or monthly lenses. Patients with dry eye particularly like the feeling of putting in a fresh pair of daily lenses every morning.

Of course, since there’s no need to use contact lens solution or cases, daily contact lenses are often considered the most convenient option. This makes dailies a good option for people who live hectic lifestyles and often forget to practise good eye hygiene.

Potential Downsides With Using Daily Disposable Lenses

While there are many benefits attached to daily disposable lenses, they aren’t without their flaws. One of the main issues associated with dailies is their harmful environmental impact.

Although contacts may seem so insignificant, recent research reveals they are having a huge impact on global pollution. No matter what lens you use, it’s important to get in the habit of placing them in a recycle bin rather than down the drain.

Another issue to consider with daily lenses is that they can’t be used while you’re sleeping. The only contacts now approved for safe overnight wear are “Continuous Wear” contacts. If you’re interested in learning more about Continuous Wear technology, you should check out the products now available

Why Buy the UK’s top online independent contacts vendor for good reason. Our inventories are always stacked with the hottest contact lens brands just waiting to be delivered to your doorstep. Opened in the 1990s, successfully delivered 4 million orders throughout the country. On top of our contact lens lines, our website now offers a huge array of secondary eye care products including disinfectant solution, contacts cases, and even UV-blocking sunglasses. So, no matter what your eye care needs, find a way to supply you with the goods.

Want to get in touch’s top-notch team? You can find all of our Customer Service information on this link.

Buy Focus Dailies Contact Lenses Online (2025)


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