Project Zombolewd Framework - G-Vodan/LLZomboLewd GitHub Wiki (2024)

Table of Contents

Quick Start

ZomboLewd is an animation framework that is made to aid mods on animations, sounds, assets, models, and other things related to sexual-related acts in Project Zomboid. Its gameplay functionalities are intentionally limited to incentivize community involvement as we join together to create a lewder experience in Project Zomboid.

While in-game, you can masturbat* by Right-clicking to show the context menu.

Project Zombolewd Framework - G-Vodan/LLZomboLewd GitHub Wiki (1)

If you have NPC mods installed or in the future whenever PZ updates with official NPC support, you can right-click them to activate a scene immediately.

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Modding: Prerequisites

If you want to start modding for ZomboLewd, you will need a few basic programs to start.

  • A text editor capable of editing code. My personal go-to is Visual Studio Code or if you want something more lightweight to get the job done, Notepad++.
  • An animation program (if you want to animate). A popular free choice is Blender (however Blender doesn't work for editing .X files, see below).

Modding: Adding Animations (Part 1)

The easiest way to start adding your own custom animations is to download the modding template for ZomboLewd and install it like any regular mod in your Project Zomboid's mod folder.

Modding: Adding Animations (DirectX format)

The best way to edit .X files (at the time of writing) is to download the program FragMotion. It is quite a dated program and does not have all the features like your more contemporary animation program but it is the fastest way to edit and replace animations already in Project Zomboid.

Here are the official instructions from Jaivosdents:

  1. Download FragMotion and activate a 7-day trial every week.
  2. Take an animation from ZomboLewd's anims_X folder or within Project Zomboid/media/Anims_X
  3. Open the animation in FragMotion
  4. Click on the animation name on the hierarchy top right
  5. Modify the name from properties
  6. Click on Select Bones, on the tools windows on the bottom right
  7. Go to Windows > Keyframe Editor and then remove everything except for the first and last frame
  8. Close the Keyframe Editor, then click on Windows > Keyframe Slide.
  9. Then on the bottom, move the frame scale begin animating the model

Modding: Adding Animations (FBX format)

Coming Soon. Our modders are still currently looking for ways to make FBX work well which will supersede the DirectX method in the future. Stay tuned!

If you already have a template .FBX file that already works as a replacer for animations for Project Zomboid, this should also work just as well in the meantime.

Modding: Adding Animations (Part 3 - XML Editing)

Once you have finished exporting a .X or .fbx file, navigate to your _Mods_Template_For_ZomboLewd you downloaded from Part 1, then click into media/anims_X/Bob.

Save your new animation into this folder. Feel free to remove the animations already in the directory, they were there to give you an example of how they should be placed.

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Next, navigate to media/AnimSets/player/actions in within the same mod. Clone the file named __AnimSetTemplate.xml, and name the file appropriately to what the animation should be. Open up the .XML file, it should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><animNode><m_Name>NAME_OF_ANIMATION (SHOULD BE SAME IN ANIMATIONLIST)</m_Name><m_AnimName>ANIMATION_FILE_NAME_ENDING_IN_X_OR_FBX</m_AnimName><m_deferredBoneAxis>Y</m_deferredBoneAxis><m_SyncTrackingEnabled>false</m_SyncTrackingEnabled><m_SpeedScale>1.05</m_SpeedScale><m_BlendTime>0.10</m_BlendTime><m_Conditions><m_Name>PerformingAction</m_Name><m_Type>STRING</m_Type><m_StringValue>NAME_OF_ANIMATION (SHOULD BE SAME IN ANIMATIONLIST)</m_StringValue></m_Conditions><m_SubStateBoneWeights><boneName>Dummy01</boneName><weight>1.0</weight></m_SubStateBoneWeights></animNode>


Make up a name that will be used as the identifier in-game for this animation. The game and ZomboLewd will reference this name in order to fetch the animation. Make sure to make it unique; if another animation mod uses the same name, it may potentially overwrite your animation.



Line 4: <m_AnimName> ANIMATION_FILE_NAME_ENDING_IN_X_OR_FBX </m_AnimName>

This should be the same name as the animation you saved at the beginning of Part 3, located in media/anims_X/Bob. Do not include file extensions.


Saved an animation to media/anims_X/Bob/Bob_Animation_File.fbx



Use the same name as Line 3 here.



Save the file.

Modding: Adding Animations (Part 4 - Animation Configuration)

Navigate to media/lua/shared/ZomboLewd/AnimationConfigs in within the same mod. Clone the file named __AnimationConfigTemplate.lua and name it the same as Line 3 from your XML file in Part 3.



Open up the Lua file and read the instructions contained within. We have included a few Lua files as references you can use to help edit your custom Lua animation config. Feel free to remove them afterwards. It should look like this:

require "ZomboLewd/ZomboLewdConfig" --- Always include this at the top to forceload ZomboLewd prior to this animation file--[[prefix: this word will be combined with id to create a unique identifier. Recommend using your name here (ie. prefix = "QueuedResonance_")id: the id of the animation used to fetch its name, will differ depending on the user's language.tags: a list of tags, can be custom or established, such as "Masturbation", "Aggressive", etc. Used for mods to determine animationsactors: a list of actors in the animation. gender: the gender of the actor in this scenestages: a list of animations to be played in orderperform: Your XML file should have these values:<m_Name>PerformingAction</m_Name><m_Type>STRING</m_Type><m_StringValue>ANIMATION_STRING_NAME</m_StringValue> <--- USE THIS FOR PERFORMduration: specifies how long you want this animation to play during the TimedAction sequences. TimedActions are the greenprogress bar you see on top of your head whenever you do an action that requires "time" to complete. Duration does notnecessarily equal to the actual animation length (but you can make it so if you like). If Duration is longer than theactual animation length itself, the animation will loop (useful if you want to make a looping animation without animating the entire thing)]]table.insert(ZomboLewdAnimationData, {prefix = "Prefix_",id = "Sex_Act_Name",tags = {"Masturbation", "MyTag"},actors = {{gender = "Female",stages = {{perform = "ANIMATION_STRING_NAME",duration = 300}}},{gender = "Male",stages = {{perform = "ANIMATION_STRING_NAME",duration = 300}}}}})

Modding: Adding Animations (Part 5 - Testing)

That's pretty much it in terms of adding custom animations for ZomboLewd. To test, follow these instructions:

  1. If Project Zomboid was already launched while you were adding animations, you must close and reopen it.
  2. Recommend turning on Debug mode for Project Zomboid, which you can add -debug to the launch options prior to opening the game.Project Zombolewd Framework - G-Vodan/LLZomboLewd GitHub Wiki (4)
  3. Enable your custom animation mod (if it hasn't been enabled already).
  4. Enter a scenario or start/load an existing game.
  5. If it is a Masturbation animation, it should appear in your right-click context menu.
  6. If it is an Intercourse animation, it should play if you ask an NPC for sex.
  7. If you do not have an NPC mod installed, you can install ModOptions, pause the game, navigate to Options, there will be a new tab called [Mods]. You can enable ZomboLewd's Debug Mode here.
  8. Once ZomboLewd's Debug Mode is enabled, you can spawn an NPC by right-clicking > spawn comfort survivor. Then right-clicking the NPC to ask for sex.

Modding: Adding Animations (Part 6 - Troubleshooting)

This is an optional section in case your animations are not playing in the game.

  1. Animations are not playing / Console is saying "AnimClip not found:"

This means the game could not find your animation file in media/anims_X/Bob. If you have added an animation while Project Zomboid was still open, you must restart it. If your animation file ends in .x, you may have incorrectly named the animation set. Navigate to media/anims_X/Bob/YOUR_ANIMATION.x, and open it with the text editor. CTRL+F to open up the text finder, and type in AnimationSet. Make sure the AnimationSet matches with your XML's AnimName field.

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Save it with the new name, and restart Project Zomboid.

Modding: Animation Events (Part 1)

Coming Soon.

Modding: ZomboLewd's Programming APIs

For those experienced in Lua, you can tap into the potential of ZomboLewd by allowing it to play animations based on your mod's specifications and usage. We highly recommend reading through all of ZomboLewd's coding (as it is open source!) to understand how it works. We included many comments on each part of the code within the framework. However, if you just want to simply play animations, here is the needed functionality to do so.

These APIs can change without notice as ZomboLewd receives updates. Please look at the relevant threads, Discord, and other related media to determine when and how these APIs were changed.

Here are some example scripts on how to play basic animations with the framework for your mod.

Playing a Masturbation / Single Animation on one actor

--- In a client scriptlocal ZomboLewd = require("ZomboLewd/ZomboLewd") --- Initialize the frameworklocal AnimationHandler = ZomboLewd.AnimationHandler --- The animation system we need to play the animationslocal Animations = ZomboLewd.Animations --- All preloaded animations in memorylocal AnimationUtils = ZomboLewd.AnimationUtils --- Additional functions that optionally can be neededEvents.OnCreatePlayer.Add(function(player)local character = getSpecificPlayer(player) --- Get our newly spawned playerlocal isFemale = character:isFemale() --- Check if they are a female--- Navigate to ZomboLewdAnimationUtils.lua for more information about getAnimations. In a nutshell, we specify the amount of actors,-- how much males, how much females, and get only animations with the Masturbation tag.local animationList = ContextMenu.Client.AnimationUtils:getAnimations(1, isFemale and 0 or 1, isFemale and 1 or 0, {"Masturbation"}) --- Choose a random masturbation animation in the given list!local index = ZombRand(1, #animationList + 1)local chosenAnimation = animationList[index]--- Play the animation. Navigate to ZomboLewdAnimationHandler.lua for more information about the Play function.AnimationHandler.Client.AnimationHandler.Play(nil, {character}, chosenAnimation)end)

Playing a Intercourse / Duo Animation on two actors

--- In a client scriptlocal ZomboLewd = require("ZomboLewd/ZomboLewd") --- Initialize the frameworklocal AnimationHandler = ZomboLewd.AnimationHandler --- The animation system we need to play the animationslocal Animations = ZomboLewd.Animations --- All preloaded animations in memorylocal AnimationUtils = ZomboLewd.AnimationUtils --- Additional functions that optionally can be neededEvents.OnCreatePlayer.Add(function(player)local character = getSpecificPlayer(player) --- Get our newly spawned playerlocal isFemale = character:isFemale() --- Check if they are a female--- Let's get 1 random NPC / Player / Whatever in the game for the sex lottery LOLlocal chosenTarget = nillocal targets = getCell():getObjectList()for i = targets:size(), 1, -1 dolocal thisTarget = targets:get(i - 1)--- Check if this is the relevant NPC / Playerif instanceof(thisTarget, "IsoPlayer") and thisTarget ~= character thenchosenTarget = targetendend--- We can determine the sexuality by determining the gender of the target character fetchedlocal maleCount, femaleCount = 0, 0 doif isMainHeroFemale and isTargetFemale then--- LesbianmaleCount = 0femaleCount = 2elseif isMainHeroFemale == false and isTargetFemale == false then--- GaymaleCount = 2femaleCount = 0else--- StraightmaleCount = 1femaleCount = 1endend--- Choose random animation as a test with the Sex tag. Navigate to ZomboLewdAnimationUtils for more information about how to get animations.local animationList = contextMenu.Client.AnimationUtils:getAnimations(2, maleCount, femaleCount, {"Sex"})local index = ZombRand(1, #animationList + 1)local chosenAnimation = animationList[index]--- Play the animation. Navigate to ZomboLewdAnimationHandler.lua for more information about the Play function.AnimationHandler.Play(nil, {character, chosenTarget}, chosenAnimation)end)

Modding: ZomboLewd's Programming APIs - Callbacks

There are certain times you want your mod to be doing something before an animation starts, when the animation starts, during an animation, and when it finally stops. ZomboLewd made it easy to include this functionality.

Take this code for example:

AnimationHandler.Play(nil, {character}, chosenAnimation)

We can add additional callbacks by including a callback function table as the last argument.

--- Refer to ZomboLewdAnimationHandler.lua for more information regarding the Play function.AnimationHandler.Play(nil, {character}, chosenAnimation, nil, nil, { WaitToStart = function() --- What happens while the animation is waiting to start? --- This happens when the actors are currently doing something else or is walking towards the animation destination print("Waiting for animation to start...") end, Start = function() --- What happens when the animation starts? print("Animation has started!") end, Update = function() --- What happens during the animation? print("Animation currently playing") end, Stop = function() --- What happens when the animation is cancelled? --- Usually happens when one of the actors in the animation cancels it by running, interacting, or shoving print("This animation got cancelled!") end, Perform = function() --- What happens once the animation successfully finishes? --- If the animation plays to full only. print("Animation has successfully finished!") end})
Callbacks are activated for each actor on the scene, separately. For example, if we use PlayDuo and include a callback table, WaitToStart, Start, Stop, and Perform will be called twice (as each actor is considered their own entity).
Project Zombolewd Framework - G-Vodan/LLZomboLewd GitHub Wiki (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.