Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (2024)

Posts posted by Solo.6873

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      • June 25 Balance Update Preview

        in Professions

        Posted Wednesday at 12:47 AM

        If everyone can one shot, everything is balanced right guys...

        right guys?

        • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (1)1
        • Warrior has 0 stealths, useful shadowsteps, useful superspeed.

          in Player vs. Player

          Posted June 16

          17 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

          Let's say I want to play something on warrior that isn't based on defense line. What do I play?

          A Thief,

          Like a normal person..

          • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (2)1
          • Reveal should be absolute in WvW.

            in World vs. World

            Posted June 15

            My advice is, if you see someone cheating them record it. OBS is free, and simple to set up. Record the player, then send the vid to anet. People have gotten way to comfortable cheating and that needs to change.

            • Reveal should be absolute in WvW.

              in World vs. World

              Posted June 15

              51 minutes ago, MysteryDude.1572 said:

              Deadeye can remove reveal with elite skill 馃檮

              Unless their is a bugged interaction with something, I just tested this...It does not remove revealed in WvW

              • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (3)2
              • Reveal should be absolute in WvW.

                in World vs. World

                Posted June 13

                2 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

                There should be no way to remove the revealed condition prematurely. I was running an anti-thief build with multiple reveals, but he just kept cleansing them early and stealthing. It's not good gameplay. I'm taking traits and utilities to counter something that I ultimately can't counter with maximum sacrifice.

                To my knowledge, unless the thief is hacking, they have no skill that removes revealed in WvW anymore.

                But I could be wrong. A thief roachcultist will be in here to tell us definitively.

                • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (4)3
                • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (5)2
                • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (6)1
                • Roaming - How to against willbender?

                  in World vs. World

                  Posted June 1Edited by Solori.6025

                  .....Now I feel dirty for contributing to another cele player in wvw :I.....

                  • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (7)1
                  • Roaming - How to against willbender?

                    in World vs. World

                    Posted June 1Edited by Solori.6025

                    10 hours ago, Catchyfx.5768 said:

                    Hello, any tips on how to not die against willbender in first 0,25 second? Or is there class that counters havily the olmighty Willy? I run Rev, Engi, Thief and always I die in first 0,25-0,5 sec even if blocking etc. and on new serverlink I didnt met anything else then Willbender. Please please make my life ezier..


                    Cele Harb, Cele dagger spam mirage, chrono, deadeye, cele berserker, vindicator, cele catalyst, condi druid. Literally every class has a roaming build that deals with basic willbender . . .

                    Edit: ALSO, If you chase a willbender across a map, wasting your movement skills or escapes and they turn around and burst you, you deserve that death.

                    Chasing a willbender, like a thief or mesmer, is stupid.

                    • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (8)3
                    • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (9)1
                  • Posted January 31Edited by Solori.6025
                    Never gonna get it

                    On 1/20/2024 at 10:48 AM, TheThief.8475 said:

                    It was 2015 when HoT was annouced,

                    I was young, back then,

                    and since,

                    i'm waiting for off hand sword.

                    I got a stick;

                    I got a pewpew ranged weapon;

                    I got ranged magic weapon;

                    I will get a ranged phisical weapon;

                    WHEN WILLL I GET MY OFF HAND SWORD?!

                    I will leave this question for you Anet: "Why do people pick Thief as their class?"

                    Maybe if you answer this simple question you will be able to craft something we love (after 12 years of not delivering anything I whished for as a Thief/Rogue enjoyer)

                    • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (10)1
                    • [PvE] Celestial stats in need of a trim.

                      in Professions

                      Posted January 31

                      ....Why is this even a discussion though? If cele was the best. The best would use it. For everything. It isn't, so why in PvE does this warrant ire?

                      Like WvW cele is a massive problem ( PvP rules in WvW when?) but PvE?

                      • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (11)1
                      • Improved Alacrity (post January 30th patch)

                        in Mesmer

                        Posted January 31

                        20 hours ago, katte nici.9483 said:

                        So for everyone who doesn't have a personal boon bot glued to their bum it's worse now.

                        Basically. We got nerfed because a boon that should have been chrono exclusive was given to everyone else.

                        • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (12)3
                        • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (13)1
                        • mesmer MH sword

                          in Mesmer

                          Posted January 31

                          21 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

                          Blurred Frenzy did apply distortion which made you immune to current conditions which they changed to Blur. I certainly wouldn't mind if they changed it back but I don't see them making any positive changes to Mesmer that are worthwhile.

                          IIRC the sword was also nerfed because it was triggering the " on distortion" traits. You know Anet can't let mesmer have synergy. That's not allowed

                          • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (14)1
                          • Stop complaining about complaining

                            in Player vs. Player

                            Posted January 13

                            On 1/11/2024 at 11:21 AM, Vinny.7260 said:

                            Your complaints about complaints is making me want to complain. I won't explain why I want to complain, but the reason is rather plain. Sorry to rain on your parade.

                            It's snowing on Mount Fuji.

                            Y'all better appreciate this mans poem

                            • new balance patch preview [ WvW view ]

                              in Elementalist

                              Posted January 13

                              19 hours ago, bluberblasen.9684 said:

                              [ .... ]

                              Truly breathtaking and profound notes. Thank you Anet

                              • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (15)1
                              • Which weapons would you like to have?

                                in Professions

                                Posted January 11

                                On 1/2/2024 at 9:51 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

                                Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. The new Anet is heavily anti-gods since their favorite little race is Charr and the whole GW2 project is about unity of disparate races and the human gods would be too human centric for their tastes.

                                Their entire storytelling in GW2 has been about burying GW1's lore by dismissing the past or reframing it for their "modern" take.

                                AYOO, but why you acting like a separatist though? 馃ぃ

                                • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (16)1
                                • Gaurdian wars 2

                                  in Player vs. Player

                                  Posted January 11

                                  13 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

                                  Hahaha, so you suggest DHs are sexual preditors?

                                  Guardians are the " Holy paladin" or " Priest" class so this tracks....

                                  • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (17)6
                                  • My thoughts on Willbender

                                    in Guardian

                                    Posted January 3

                                    38 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

                                    We shall see, I guess I don't really care all that much.

                                    I get the feeling it will probably be nerfed regardless of me playing it. Like I have been saying I have a tendency to get really good at a class before attempting to PvP with it.

                                    I'm gonna be honest. It's never conducive to ask for nerfs when you haven't even touched the class. I think most people are tired of knee jerk changes when they happen because of people who have never touched the class commenting on what needs to be changed. (Usually done because they no longer want to struggle against the class or something usually along those lines ).

                                    Please play the classes you have trouble with before coming into a class specific forum and telling others what the problem is. Or ask for help instead of demanding things become easier for you.

                                    • My thoughts on Willbender

                                      in Guardian

                                      Posted January 3Edited by Solori.6025

                                      2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:


                                      Hmm I see them going invulnerable a lot with either the Elite or the Heal.

                                      Maybe all the try hard roamers play Willbender but there is defiantly a lot of them. The tendency to save the invulnerable skills for escaping is the real issue (it even advises saving the ult for escaping on the Metabattle guide)

                                      I would highly advise you play willbender for a few months, roam solo, fight everyone and everything. You're going to learn a lot more that way vs looking on meta battles and cherry picked YouTube clips.

                                      The class doesn't have more or less invulns than any other, and a few classes actually got teleporting skills.

                                      The main reason I think people are crying so much for a nerf SPECIFICALLY for guardian is because it got nikes. And them air forces is black. No one wants to accept a class that used to have limited movement, now has the ability to run away from unwanted engagements.

                                      You guys are going to have to accept that. Same way you had to accept it when warrior put on their Nikes.

                                      • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (18)5
                                      • My thoughts on Willbender

                                        in Guardian

                                        Posted January 2Edited by Solori.6025
                                        Forgot to add a block

                                        22 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

                                        Regardless my point is you have many options. Mesmer feedback is used in the same way to projectile block to prevent damage but it's not nearly as useful as most of the Guardian shields.

                                        See this is where I am confused because it has about the same as other classes. We can actually count the amount of invulns and blocks on one hand. Even adding evades that still is one hand.

                                        1. Renewed Focus

                                        2. Virtue of Courage- one aegis-

                                        3. Shelter.

                                        Those are blocks used in the roaming build people complain about.

                                        4. If we add the Evades Flowing resolve.

                                        In comparison to a popular thief roaming build S/D

                                        1. Roll for Initiative

                                        2. Flanking Strike

                                        3. Dagger storm

                                        4. Withdraw.

                                        -If using daredevil has the option to use Bandits Defense-

                                        This class has the option to go into stealth.

                                        In comparison to my mesmer roamer

                                        1. Echo of Memory

                                        1a. Deja Vue

                                        2. Distortion

                                        3. Blurred Frenzy

                                        This class has the option to stealth AND cause detarget.


                                        1. Full Counter

                                        2. Whirlwind Attack

                                        3. Bulls Charge

                                        4. Shield Stance

                                        - If adding rampage- takes 50% less damage with pulsing stability and swiftness-

                                        -If on bladesworn -

                                        1. Triggerguard

                                        2. Cyclone Trigger


                                        ..So what is really the issue...The options in comparison to other meta roaming builds is around the same.

                                        • My thoughts on Willbender

                                          in Guardian

                                          Posted January 1

                                          2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

                                          Happy new Year!

                                          I would also include channeled blocks in the invulnerability category even some of the Shields are close.Shield of Absorption is a very small bubble and knocks you back on first entry.

                                          There is a lot of picks what you want to go immune to with Willbender.

                                          A block is not the same as an invuln. If we are playing that game then Warrior, Mesmer, and Ranger would be included in that conversation. So lets not call a Joker a Spade.

                                          • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (19)2
                                          • Why is Guardian Longbow 3 allowed to shoot behind you but Rev鈥檚 Forced Engagement Can鈥檛?

                                            in Professions

                                            Posted December 25, 2023

                                            On 12/7/2023 at 9:33 PM, Kamikazi.5380 said:

                                            Guardian long bow 3 can shoot behind you and knockback enemies, and it pierces

                                            Revenant鈥檚 Forced Engagement was changed so it can鈥檛, and it was changed to target one enemy now

                                            Revenant Shortbow 5 can鈥檛 be shot behind you and does the same kitten as Guardian longbow 3 in that it knocks down player.

                                            Anet we all know you main Guardians, but the least you can do is allow balance consistency to be across ALL professions. Fix this kitten

                                            Rev Shortbow 2 and 5 both can be shot behind the rev. While the rev is moving. You don't care about equivalency. You either want nerfs to Guardian or buffs to shortbow to bring it over the top.

                                            At least be honest about it.

                                            • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (20)2
                                            • Armed with Dual Pistols, Guardians Rain Down Bullets of Justice!

                                              in Guardian

                                              Posted November 18, 2023

                                              2 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

                                              I like how most of the complaining in this thread is coming from non guard mains whining about their profession not getting good stuff.

                                              I'm predicting that the professions that are going to have the best announcement reaction is going to be Guardians, Mesmer's, Necromancers, then rangers.

                                              Everyone else is prolly gonna complain, and I get it. Like if you look at the Ele video you can tell they were probably the class that had the least amount of effort put into the weapon and trailer. The character was wearing the blandest outfit. The draw animation was trash. They used what looked like a base model pistol.馃ぃ.

                                              On topic of the guardian. I am in the wait and see camp. Test before it gets an approval or disapproval. Anet is finicky and they are bound to honestly make a last minute change that will make the weapon either severely underperform, or it comes out and overperforms so much they nerf every other espec and core traitline to compensate .

                                              • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (21)1
                                              • Rifle Mesmers Direct Allies to the Nearest Emergency Exit

                                                in Mesmer

                                                Posted November 16, 2023

                                                I cant really speak to the most recent events but,

                                                Torch was meta when mirage was first introduced on both Power and condi builds in WvW and pvp, mainly for the stealth burst for power and the added burning for the condi builds. x/torch was a very common pairing on mirage . ( until anet nerfed it below the ground and used it as fertilizer. yes i am still bitter)

                                                • Pistols Grant Elementalists the Choice between Greater Damage and Defense

                                                  in Elementalist

                                                  Posted November 15, 2023

                                                  16 minutes ago, psizone.8437 said:

                                                  Can you redo the trailer and fix the pistol draw?!

                                                  I can't unsee how bad that looks.

                                                  Nah it should stay. It's the best part 馃槀

                                                  • DPS and PowerCreep has gotten out of control. Nerf DPS

                                                    in Professions

                                                    Posted November 5, 2023Edited by Solori.6025

                                                    33 minutes ago, Mevelios.4809 said:

                                                    Indeed; single player games are harder. If you crave a challenge, just ask for a few titles!

                                                    MMOs have huge fees to keep their services working. They need a comparably huge player base to keep it running, so they can't cater exclusively to the most reactive ones, the most knowledgeable ones, and so on and so forth - whichever name you use pertaining to that umbrella term of "player skill".

                                                    Hence: you can take off your gear! They didn't fail, they need to consider the largest player base possible. Their very economical model relies on it; this is a business, not a charity.

                                                    ^All of this.

                                                    It is not a viable business model to cater to the 1% of people that want the game to be on challenge mode all the time.

                                                    I'm not sure if this has escaped peoples notice but this game is a casual players dream. That is why it is still somewhat running.

                                                    People don't have a gear treadmill. This game doesn't have a best in slot that changes every content update. You have ACCOUNT WIDE sharing options for all of the highest gear available which can be obtained by doing almost anything in the game ( until the new legendary gear comes out then it will be literally everything). This is not the game of the 1%. Never has been.

                                                    Solution though, which would probably be less work and have less backlash from the majority of the games community. Add a hard mode to high end content. Give bosses what ever you want to make the game challenging for those that need to sweat and have constant adrenal responses to enjoy things in life.

                                                    Pleases them, and leaves the rest of us happy.

                                                    • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (22)4
                                                    • Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (23)1
                                                    • A possible Infinite Horizon "fix" through a slight Mirage tweak

                                                      in Mesmer

                                                      Posted November 7, 2019

                                                      @Levetty.1279 said:

                                                      @"ThomasC.1056" said:and it's

                                                      currently being looked at

                                                      in PvP, and in WvW. Namely :Mechanic changes don't get split. It is going to be nerfed in PvE too due to PvP whine.Two things are to be considered here : mirage cloak offers a big evade uptime,It has less evade then the normal dodge it replaces.

                                                      If you got those two things wrong why should I read the paragraphs of nerfs you want to slap on the class?

                                                      I agree. If you think mirage has big evade uptime I immediately stop taking you seriously. Because you are parroting a talking point that is A LIE. To then make a list of nerfs to a class you don't understand is honestly disrespectful to the people that have been putting forth reasonable well thought post on the same issue. Please understand the class before trying next time.

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                                                    Solo.6873's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (2024)


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                                                    Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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                                                    Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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                                                    Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.